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Video maker: Heriberto Rodriquez Valenzuela

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Micro ProduX // MPX

WAX PRODUCTION: Students are conducting explorations and developments of marketable objects that are either functional, aesthetic, or both.  Wax casting will be a process that we will introduce to the Las Lomas community in hopes of stimulating alternative forms of micro-economies.

Radio Station // RSX

LOCAL COMMUNITY BROADCAST STATION: Students research, analyze, and develop a working radio station prototype for the Colonias. This station will provide easy access to information and community oriented news bulletins. This increased communication will reinforce community ties and improve the quality of life in the area.

Community Garden // CGX

COMMUNITY GARDEN INFRASTRUCTURE: Students are developing and introducing a long-term sustainable community garden that will take advantage of latest technologies in both surface, subsurface, and above surface techniques.  Community gardening will stimulate involvement, increase awareness of good nutrition, and provide fresh produce to Colonias Unidas.